We believe in providing the best possible hosting service at WalkerTek. To accomplish this we have an enterprise infrastructure which provides the best possible performance for your site. Below are some of the steps we take to ensure this performance.
Redundant web servers with real time failover – Our primary web servers have replicated standby servers that fail over in the event the primary server goes down. This provides unsurpassed uptime for your website.
Replicated databases, both onsite and offsite – We replicate our databases both to a separate server on site and one in another datacenter. This provides up to the minute data in case the primary database server goes down.
Firewalls in front of all servers – All servers have a strict firewall policy that only allows traffic for the services available on the server. The database servers are behind the web servers and only database access is allowed from the web servers to the database servers. Terminal (ssh) access is only allowed from inside our network and is closed off from the outside.
24×7 monitoring and paging in event of emergency – We monitor every server and service on the servers to ensure we catch any issues early. A text is sent out to the system administrator on call in the event of an emergency.
Daily off site encrypted backups to the cloud – We back up everything to the cloud on a daily basis, we keep incremental backups in case we need to go back in time.
Backend VPN for all internal traffic – We run a VPN for all internal traffic, this ensures any traffic between servers or between our datacenter and our offices cannot be sniffed as it is encrypted by the VPN.
Regular server software updates – As security and software updates come out we are quick to apply those updates and patches.
Most sites are in version control – Most of the frequently updated sites are in version control, providing a history of changes and another backup of the site. This allows large site changes to occur in branches while the main site can still have small updates. Version control allows this to happen without conflicts.
Capacity planning and load balancing – Our monitoring and graphing allows us to do capacity planning and ensure everything is running as well as possible. In the event we know a site will be getting a lot of traffic we can load balance that site ahead of time to ensure it can handle the traffic.
A lot of planning and engineering go into making WalkerTek one of the best possible places to host your website. Before you decide on where to host your company’s website, make sure that their infrastructure is appropriate for your needs.