
During these volatile times, with everyone working remotely, your web presence is more important than ever. Trust your hosting to WalkerTek, a proven hosting provider with over 21 years experience. WalkerTek has hosted everything from small mom and pop operations to fortune 500 companies including brochure, web application, complex eCommerce and API endpoint sites. We have been audited and background checked by Prudential Financial for security and hosting best practices.

Don’t leave your web presence up to a freelancer that doesn’t have the time or commitment to ensure your site is secure and stays up to date.

Hosting Options

Hosting Option 1 – Basic

$500 setup fee and $195 per month per site/domain

  • Includes SSL
  • Includes site caching
  • Includes CDN if desired
  • Includes timely WordPress core and plugin updates
  • Includes timely operating system updates
  • Runs on a single dedicated virtual server
  • Includes daily offsite backups
  • Includes development server development
  • Includes git file change monitoring
  • Includes 24/7 monitoring


Hosting Option 2 – Security

$750 setup and $350 per month per site/domain

  • Ability to do two factor authentication
  • Ability to enforce secure passwords
  • Centralized real-time db of malicious IPs blocked
  • Centralized real-time db of malicious attacks blocked
  • Real time firewall rule updates
  • Ability to block IP Blocks based on country


Hosting Option 3 – High Availability

$1,200 setup fee and $1,000 per month per site/domain

  • Load balanced
  • Two dedicated virtual servers responding to web requests
  • Replicated database servers
  • Web and DB servers in different availability zones
  • Shared file system for uploaded files/images/videos


Hosting Option 4 – Custom

  • Let’s discuss your requirements!


Audit Options – Requires WalkerTek Hosting Plan

Site security audit

$800 per audit

  • Inspect site for suspected and known vulnerabilities
  • Inspect site for known compromises
  • Clean site up for production hosting


Site speed audit

$800 per audit

  • Audit site with lighthouse
  • Address as many deficiencies as possible
  • Add caching
  • Add CDN
  • Add JS/CSS minification


WordPress Best Practices Audit

$800 per audit

  • Analyze wordpress build
  • Recommend plugins / updates / changes
  • Recommend improvements based on best practices


We also offer additional services, including Digital Marketing, Web Design & Development and Application Development.

Talk to us about your project today!